Critical Thinking in the Art Room!

"10 Lessons the Arts Teach" by Elliott 艾斯纳

Some thoughts about the arts....

"The creation of art requires the use of judgement, perceptivity, ingenuity, and purpose--in a word, 情报."


"Art is humanity's most essential, most universal language. It is not a frill, but a necessary part of 沟通. The quality of civilization can be measured through music, dance, drama, architecture, visual arts, and literature. We must give our children knowledge and understanding of civilization's most profound work."

欧内斯特·L. 波伊尔

"Arts education enhances our nation's economic competitiveness by developing in students creative problem-solving skills, imagination, self-discipline, and attention to detail."

理查德·W. Riley, Secretary 美国的 Department of Education

"Bloom's Taxonomy" the old and the new revised version
